Friday, April 28, 2006


On January 5, I found out through a forum I post at, there was a little boy who was born at 29 weeks. They didn't expect him to last long as he had calcification of the heart. His parents are friends of one of the posters on this forum. I asked her if it would be alright to make a blanket for him. She said yes, but wasn't sure how long little Jack would live. I made it and had my intercessor group pray over it.

They received the blanket and even posted about it on their online journal at CaringBridge. They sent me a Thank You note and mentioned that it matched the colors in his room. It was a green color.

I had been following closely and rejoiced with the family when they brought him home. They brought him home in the blanket I made for them as a symbol of all the people they didn't know who were praying for their little Jack-Pot.

On Monday he was taken to the hospital because of labored breathing. The docs figured out what was causing the labored breathing, but it compromised his heart.

Early Friday morning, Jackson passed away. I was so sad when I read this and when I visited his site this morning and read about the funeral arrangements, I cried even more.

This little guy lived for 3 months when he wasn't even expected to live a week. Even though I didn't personally know Jackson, I will never forget him.

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