Wednesday, April 02, 2008


In the midst of bad news, scary news, sad news, the Bible verse that came up for today is Isaiah 45:8 - "You heavens above, rain down righteousness;
let the clouds shower it down.
Let the earth open wide,
let salvation spring up,
let righteousness grow with it;
I, the LORD, have created it.

Amen and amen

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Listen to your heart, not your head

I had a dream last night where, after I let my anger at a silly situation come out in front of my pastor, he told me to listen to my heart, not my head. In my dream I didn't quite understand. I had thought that listening to your heart meant being ruled by your emotions.

When I woke up those words kept ringing out in my head. I believe that the Lord speaks through dreams and sometimes you need to write them down immediately or you'll forget them. But I think that sometimes the Lord is really gracious (He's gracious ALL the time, I know) and highlights things to you so you don't forget and that it's a word for right now or it's something important that you'll need to remember for the future.

As I ponder this, I remember my pastor teaching on where our spirit is located, in our gut area. The Bible writers often refer to this as where we feel and think. I'm also reminded of head knowledge versus experience.

I think that this saying is encouraging me to think on the experiences I've had versus what knowledge may be telling me. Darkness is coming, but the LIGHT will prevail. We cannot give in to fear, we cannot let the "reality" of what is going on around us take us out of our peace in God. We need to listen to our heart, remember our experiences with the Lord and trust in Him, not our circumstances.