Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Weight loss posts

I have moved my weight loss posts here.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Living in the Supernatural

I have been a Christian all my life. I attended a Christian school from k - 8. And even though I'm aware that going to a Christian school and church does not make one a Christian, I did know that Jesus Christ is God and knew that He died on the cross for my sin and had no doubt that if I were to die, I would be in heaven. I, however, was unaware that I could have a relationship with Him. I just thought that He was some far away deity who really didn't have time for our petty things.

But I have come to know better. I know that He DOES care about every aspect of our lives. Jesus said, as recorded in Matthew 6:25-34, that we shouldn't worry about things. He takes care of the birds and the flowers, how much more will He care for us. And I have also been taught that we are to live a supernatural life while here on earth. Jesus said, as recorded in John 14:12, that we will, if we have faith in Him, do what He was doing (remember that Jesus walked on water, turned water into wine, multiplied food to feed thousands - and it wasn't even a famine! - healed the sick, drive out demons, raised the dead and so much more) and that we would do even greater things than He had been doing. To me, that means, living a supernatural life.

I guess I have been bit by the poverty spirit. That is a spirit that would have us "look at our provision to help us determine our vision, and are therefore living within OUR means instead of HIS blessings." (excerpt taken from The Supernatural Ways of Royalty written by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton). And since I'm not walking on water I'm having a difficult time believing that God can use me to heal people or to be able to live supernaturally in other ways.

Well, I was at Curves this morning. I was very happy remembering my loss this past month. I looked around at the other women there. I wondered where some of these women were when they started Curves. I then started panicking, getting scared that I might, one day, stop losing when I still have so much further to go. Then I remember, Live Supernaturally. God told me to start going to a gym. He is the reason why I stopped drinking sodas and eating and drinking so much sugar. It's totally Him. Yes, I have to wake up in the morning, get dressed and go to Curves, but even in doing that, it's Him helping me all the way. God loves me. He has a plan for me and as long as I keep that plan in my vision, I can live supernaturally, and the pauper mentality of getting to a point of not losing more will vanish.

And I hope that I will be able to apply that to other areas of my life.