Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Emma (Not Alone) - A reminder to my friends

Originally posted May 11, 2007

I recently had a friend ask for prayer. Not uncommon. This time I really felt the need to post this for her and for any one else who needs to be reminded that we are not alone.

On my MySpace Friends list is a music artist by the name of Jason Upton. I LOVE to worship to his music. There is a song of his that's on his page called Emma (Not Alone). And I think it applies to my friend and anyone else who may be reading this and feeling alone.

I have added the song to my profile for a day or so. If it's not up, simply go to his site to listen to the song.

Don't be afraid baby don't you cry
Daddy's here it will be all right
You're not alone you're not alone
Don't be afraid when you're cold at night
I will keep you warm I will hold you tight
You're not alone you're not alone

Look beyond the window there
To the sky above to the open air
Look beyond what you can see
Close your eyes and just believe

The lion roars and the lamb lays down
They live together in a whole new town
They're calling me and they're calling you
From the cold hard facts that we're on our own
To the age old truth that we're not alone

Don't be afraid when you scrape your knee
I've got a band aide waiting and a kiss for free
You're not alone you're not alone
Don't be afraid of your blind belief
Because the more you fly the more you'll see
You're not alone you're not alone

Look beyond the window there
To the sky above to the open air
Look beyond what you can see
Close your eyes and just believe

The lion roars and the lamb lays down
They live together in a whole new town
They're calling me and they're calling you
From the cold hard facts that we're on our own
To the age old truth that we're not alone

Don't be afraid little warrior bride
Your victory's on the other side
You're not alone you're not alone

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