Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Workout

Hm. I'm not very creative at titles. :)

My Curves is open today from 8am to 11am. I woke up at 6:45, which is the time I normally wake up every morning. I wanted to go back to sleep, but knew if I did, I wouldn't want to work out when I woke back up. So, I woke up, dressed in my workout clothes, put my contacts in and brushed my teeth. I then worked on my Panda Cross-Stitch Afghan. I am really enjoying that and didn't want to put it down. But, at 8, I mustered up enough will-power to get my shoes on and go. Before leaving I put Blue's Clues on for the little ones and told Jodan, my now 10-year-old, to get them breakfast when he woke up.

It was a good workout. My heart rate was a bit higher than I wanted, but not over 85%.

I'm very happy Curves was open this morning and that I've gone.

Back to work on that panda blanket. :)

God bless those that serve and have served to keep our country safe. God also bless those in HIS army that put their lives on the line for the gospel - moving forward in faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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