Friday, June 16, 2006

So, we've been having work done on the house all week. We've had damage to ceilings and wall due to hurricane Wilma last year. My four oldest children are at my mom's for the week. Good timing as I don't know what I would have had the kids do while the work was/is being done. For the moment, the babies and I are either confined to the living room or, later, to my bedroom.

It's been a hard week emotionally. Scott has had something to do outside work/home Monday and Tuesday. He's been working late the other days. I'm stuck at home with no vehicle and no privacy.

Although I'm so happy this work is getting done, I'll be so happy when it's over and I can have my home back.

So, tonight I was feeling a bit emotional. I was listening to these awesome cds by Misty Edwards called Always on His Mind and Eternity. There is this one song that just really spoke to me. I'm going to type out the words, but I found that the music speaks more to me than the actual words do. The music and the way the artist sings it, which cannot be captured in written word. But here it is anyway:

What Only You Can Do

I'll take my cold, cold heart
I'll take my unrenewed mind
I'll take Your word in my hand
and I'll give You time to come and melt me

I can't even love You 'less you call my name
I can't even worship 'less You anoint my heart, God
I can't even want You 'less You want me first
Come, fan the flame
Come, fan the flame

I'll take my cold, cold heart
i'll take my unrenewed mind
I'll take your word in my hand
and i'll give you time to come and melt me

Do what only You can do
Come, fan the flame

Do what only You can do

Just let my heart be alive
Let me be living deep deep on the inside

Come, fan the flame

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