Friday, April 28, 2006

Bad Days

Originally posted on 4/18/06

It's amazing that one little thing can just set me off. I guess if you were to look deep enough, you'd know that it wasn't REALLY just one little thing. It was simply something that reminded me of an underlying issue that has not been resolved. It seems as if it just will not go away.

Oh, if only... No. I will not go there.

God, remove the root of bitterness so that this cannot happen. Remove the root of bitterness so that the enemy cannot win the battles if/when this happens again.

I just need to listen to Inhheritance again.

The Lord says that there is nothing that you can do
That would make Him love you more
There is also nothing you can do
That would make Him love you less
He loves you because he loves you
because he loves you because he loves you
because he loves you because he loves you
because he loves you because he loves you
because he loves you because he loves you
Because that is what He is like
It is His nature to love
And you will always be the beloved
And His love is unchanging
And He loves you 100%
He won’t love you any better when you become better
He loves you 100% right now
And even if you have no plans to become better
He will still love you 100%
Because he loves you
Because that’s the way that He is
And even if you don’t want to change
He will love you 100%
Even if you have no plans to walk with him
He will love you 100%
Because that’s His nature
He loves all the way – all the time
His love is unchanging
What will change, says the Lord, is your ability to receive my love
And this evening, I want to cram some more of that ability inside you
So I challenge you, says the Lord
Open your heart to Me
Open your heart to Me
And you will receive more of my love than you have ever experienced before
I dare you, says the Lord, come up
Open your heart to Me
Give me your heart
Give me whatever your obstacle is
I’ll take it. I’ll remove it out of the way
Because I love you as you are right now
I love you 100% as you are right this moment
I love you as you are
So be loved. You are the beloved
It is your job, says the Lord, to be loved outrageously
It is why I chose you
That is why I set my love upon you
That you would live as one who is outrageously loved
That you would receive a radical love
So radical that it will blow all your paradigms of what you think that love is
And know, says the Lord, that I will love you outrageously all the days of your life
Because I don’t know how to be any different
This is who I am
And this is who I will always be
This is the I Am that I promised you
I am He that loves you outrageously
And you may love Me back with the love that I give you
You may love Me back outrageously with the outrageous love that I bestow upon you
And know this says the Lord that you can only love Me as much as you love yourself
So My love comes this evening to set you free from yourself
To set you free from how you see yourself
To set you free from the smallness of your own thinking about yourself
My love comes to set you free from rejection and from shame
and low self esteem and from despair and from abuse
Because when I look at you says the Lord
I see something that I love
I see someone that I can love outrageously
And I have so much to bestow upon you
So much to give you
So many places to take you in my heart
But you can’t go there unless you allow Me to love you
And My love for you will break every barrier
bring every wall crashing down
And know this, says the Lord, My love damages fear
My love hates fear
My love will fight fear
It will fight fear in you
It will fight fear around you
And if you have fear this evening says the Lord, than know that you have a treat in store
Because My perfect love casts out fear
There is no fear where I am present
Because My love casts out fear
Beloved, you are My beloved
You are MY beloved
And in My love I want you to feel good about yourself

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